On July 10, 1998, the RA Court of Cassation began its activity in the newly independent Republic of Armenia as the highest instance of the three-level judicial system. Since then, the Court of Cassation has begun to carry out its main function of reviewing judicial acts, which was further specified as a result of the constitutional amendments, outlining the special role of the Court of Cassation in strengthening the legal system in the Republic of Armenia.
As a result, after the constitutional amendments of 2005, for more than a decade and a half, the Court of Cassation continues to adhere to its unique constitutional mission, ensuring the uniform application of the law in the Republic of Armenia and forming a unique culture of application of precedential law in the country belonging to the Romano-Germanic legal system. Moreover, starting from 2015, the Court of Cassation provides uniform legal practice not only in terms of applying laws, but also in any other type of normative legal act. In addition, being the highest judicial instance of the Republic of Armenia in the three-level judicial system, the Court of Cassation also has the authority to eliminate fundamental violations of human rights and freedoms.
In order to implement the aforementioned constitutional functions, the Court of Cassation contributes to the strengthening of the domestic legal system and ensuring the rule of law in the Republic of Armenia with its daily activities by developing legislative regulations and bringing them into line with advanced international standards.
In addition, the Court of Cassation also ensures the harmony of domestic legislation and legal practice with the legal positions and adopted approaches of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia and the European Court of Human Rights on the interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
In cooperation with international expert partners, the daily activity agenda of the Court of Cassation includes the development of legal doctrines and new conceptual solutions for the protection of human rights to ensure the centralized protection of the rule of law in the Republic of Armenia.
Our vision is to create a rule-based environment by developing the concept of predictable justice
The website development of the Court of Cassation of Armenia was supported within the Project "Supporting the criminal justice reform and harmonising the application of European standards in Armenia" co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe. The content and views expressed on the website of the Court of Cassation of Armenia can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union and the Council of Europe".